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Monthly Archives: May 2018

Summer Beauty & Body Tips

Summer is around the corner and with summer season comes the dull, irritated, dehydrated skin that is not worth showing off. Summer is a time to be alive! It’s the season to relax, sit back, and enjoy the nice, warm weather. Why not enjoy your summer looking good, but better yet, feeling great. Although, summer is great and all, the summer heat that comes along with it can wreck havoc on your skin, leading to dark spots, pigmentation, wrinkles, and tanning.  But, there’s no need to worry, below are a few tips that can help your skin stay as radiant as always.


The World of Women Entrepreneurs

women entrepreneurs

Women entrepreneurs can find that starting a business can be a lot of work, but who doesn’t love hard work if you’re putting all of those hours into your own business? Although, the rise in female entrepreneurship is being enabled by technology, the qualities women bring to the workplace are what make women amazing entrepreneurs. In order to make it as an entrepreneur you need a vision and a passion. Women have meaning and purpose when it comes to any business venture. Business women are constantly improving their chances of success by staying committed to keeping up with the pace of change and being constantly open to learning what they don’t know. Although, being an entrepreneur may often entail many responsibilities to attend to, taking the time to network with other women business owners can provide many benefits to women entrepreneurs.

Women Becoming Leaders in Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship and feminism are converging and together they will drive a long golden age of female entrepreneurship. Female entrepreneurship is positive and empowering for women who make the leap; it’s good for the economy, good for consumers, and good for society. The business landscape was a man’s world, but times are changing as women are wielding more and more power on both sides of the business transaction. Women in business are becoming a powerful band of advocates, collaborators and allies. Women entrepreneurs, who know how to leverage their innate strength, overcome barriers and build relationships that drive growth in their businesses and careers are running the world.