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healthy foods

healthy, prevent cancer

How to Reduce the Chance to Get Cancer

Cancer deaths have been on the rise in recent decades, especially in industrialized nations. It’s important to note, however, that most cancers can be prevented, or at least your risk of getting them can largely be diminished via your own behaviors. Prevention and routine testing are key to prevention.  Are still considered to be the best ways to fight cancer. Preventing most types of cancer often comes down to how to live a healthier life. In fact, according to the American Cancer Society, much of the suffering and death that are associated with cancer can be prevented ‘by more systematic efforts to reduce’ such behaviors as use of tobacco, improving diet, incorporating exercise into your daily routine, and relying on routine tests to detect cancer early.

nuts. healthy

Health Benefits of Nuts

Not so long ago, the medical honchos told us that eating nuts was not good for our health.  We believed them because they are, after all, the medical gurus, and we are just mortal men and women.  Besides, if you think about it, what possible redeeming value could a peanut butter and jelly sandwich be, or, if you are really decadent and like swirling your tablespoon around in the Jif bottle and delivering yourself a big mouthful of that creamy or crunchy goodness?  They shamed us into believing peanut butter was a no-no.