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Healthy Living

IV drip therapy; holistic medicine; health and wellness

IV Drips: The Holistic Treatment Celebrities Swear By- And Why You Should Too

Originally posted on: https://commonmedicalquestions.com/iv-drips-the-holistic-treatment-celebrities-swear-by-and-why-you-should-too/ In today’s society, we are starting to stray away from only using Western medical treatments to…

Life coaching

How Life Coaching Works

What do people mean when they say they are a life coach? You may have heard the term, but you aren’t alone if you still aren’t clear about what they do. The term may even conjure images of Tony Robbins exhorting you to live your best life. A google search turns up, among other things, Oprah’s website talking about the differences between a life coach and therapist (they aren’t the same).